1980 - 2024
About a young boy whose sense of purpose, self-esteem and faith in the |
future are born out by the loving support and encouragement of his |
family and friends. |
Enjoy them all! |
by Joe King (aka) |
CDR Page Turner |
Author, Artist and Guest Speaker |
rent_a_rocket@yahoo.com |
"A great gift, and a wonderful ability to inspire toward truth."
-- Teacher Kathy Smith |
"A very encouraging message..." |
-- International Women's Air & space Museum, Inc. |
"A gift of talent and a dream of hope for a better world..." |
-- Michelle Mock, President, Imagiverse.ORG |
When gay blogger Andy Towle "fired the fit heard 'round the world" about my latest calendar of cartoon collections, I quipped, "Bottom
line: Andy has a hard on for me."
But Andy is a well known Seattle socialite. Nothing compared to the rural banjo playing cast from "The Hills Have Eyes" like Mr. Chris McCasland.
Here are some of the messages Mr. McCasland has sent me recently - I have voice mails as well - I will post those next. "Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night!"
"eat shit Friday, December 30, 2011 5:49 AM From: "Chris McCasland" Add sender to Contacts To:
funnypaperz@yahoo.com Joe king, you dickless hateful little chickenshit. I have gay friends that could beat the shit out of you with one hand you worhtless goddamn jesus freak." *******
"RE: eat shit Saturday, December 31, 2011 3:45 AM From: "Chris McCasland" Add sender to Contacts To: funnypaperz@yahoo.com you are a typical goddamn christian idiot of the
first order.....low IQ, nonsense believing hate mongering bigot idiot. You live in la la land with your little imaginary friends in the sky. You need to grow up you worhtless little chickenshit. You need to
pull that worhtless goddamn bible out of your ass and put a big dick up there. Didnt you know your precious little saviour was a cock sucking faggot??? thats right jeus boy, he was over last night.....we
hung out, we watched some tv, we drank some beer,.... then I bent him over the sofa and I FUCKED HIM IN THE ASS!...just like he likes it! thats right jesus was squealing and begging for more of that fine
dick up his butt, just like you . As far as sissies you dickless little shit.....I have known many gay men who could beat the shit out of you with one hand. You need to grow up, pull that worhtless bible out
of your goddamn ass and learn some things. I have been in a committed monogamous relationship for 35 years and have never had ANY disease. YOU are disease. YOu , your black hearted, hateful and so so
typical version of delusional jesus freaks are the disease. YOU bubba, not me. YOU are the disease. What do you offer the world but your cynical hateful shit and you hide behind your ridiculous fairyl tale
beliefs that not even a smart child would fall for. YOU are the idiot. YOU are the clown. You are the problem, not me. now, run tell jesus that mean old queer talked ugly to you and see what happens.
well......?.... What is your little imaginary friend going to do shit breath??? NOTHING! Thats right ! because he does not exist. grow up you worhless, mindless, dickless little goddamn freak of nature. If
you think you can sling that shit and not have something come back at you you are mistaken ..I would be looking behind my shoulder if I were you jesus boy. There are some of us who are a lot lot smarter than
you , richer than you and more capable than you. Somebody is going to fuck you up. You better think about it." ******* "RE: eat shit Saturday, December 31, 2011 4:59 AM From:
"Chris McCasland" Add sender to Contacts To: funnypaperz@yahoo.com You are in desperate need of a little 'corrective therapy 'you hateful stupid little jesus freak. I might just know
some people who can deliver it too. You better watch your back jesus boy. You will not like it once you are tazed, tied up and fucked in the ass by huge black dildoes over and over and over. You will be
squealing for fuckin jesus then wont you. better be carerful with that shit you sling you moron. someone might just take care of your worhtless ass one of these days. You think I cant find your house???
think again." ******* "RE: eat shit (1186 Maxwell St Buffalo Gap, TX 79508) Sunday, January 1, 2012 5:22 AM From: "Chris McCasland" Add sender to Contacts To:
funnypaperz@yahoo.com What you dont realize among the countless things you do NOT understand, is that some of us old serial killers at 1186 Maxwell buffalo Gap Texas 79508, have all the money and all the
time and resources we need to do whatever we want, to dispense justice to pin heads like you who menace decent people and are in serious need of punishment, or what I call 'corrective therapy' There is a
reason your goddamn calendar was pulled from the shelves of Amazon and barnes and noble......there is NOTHING funny about joe king. you are a sorry piece of ignorant shit, and your hateful shit is going to
catch up on you when you least expect it. How is funny shit working out for you now bubba? got any other e mails? You are an idiot. I cant image what it must be like to live in that tiny tiny narrow little
world of ignorance, hate and delusion you live in. luckilly I dont have to. You better watch your goddamn ass you little freak . You may just have underestimated who you are talking to." *******
"RE: eat shit Sunday, January 1, 2012 5:32 AM From: "Chris McCasland" Add sender to Contacts To: funnypaperz@yahoo.com how are those calendar sales woking out for you, you
nasty little bigot? Are you having fun yet? I eat snivelling little jesus freaks like you for breakfast. You better be careful who you call a serial killer,.....and a sissy. You'll be wondering "Who's
the sissy now?" when you have a red hot aids blood infected dildo up your ass. You better think again before you put out another one of your hateful disgusting calendars that offends thousands of people
far more decent that you will ever be you pathetic untalented looser. thousands of people smarter than you, richer than you and by goddamn meaner than you. Whos the fuckin sissy now? There's more comming
your way." ******* Mr. McCasland can be reached at 1186 Maxwell St Buffalo Gap, TX 79508. |
"Oh what I would do to have The kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant With just a Sling and a stone
Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors Shaking in their armor Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand
But the giant's calling out my name and he laughs at me Reminding me of all
the times I've tried before and failed The giant keeps on telling me Time and time again "boy, you'll never win! "You'll never win"
But the stone was just the right size
To put the giant on the ground..." ~ The Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns
In my last post I promised to post the voice mail messages
from my newest best friend Mr. Chris Mccasland.
And just as before I invoke Miss Bette Davis' warning: "Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night!"
Kinda makes you all warm and tingly inside don't it?
Mr. McCasland can be reached at (325) 572-4475 |
Zach Miller zmiller307@live.com Your comics suck. I would recommend suicide, but that would still leave your terrible
comics around, poisoning the planet like spent Uranium 235 rods. No, I want you to go back in time and kill your mother while you're in utero. I know this would create a time paradox and possibly unravel
reality as we know it, but it is a risk I am willing to take. |
In May of 2010, during my keynote speaking engagement at the
Phoenix Comi-Con, I debuted a
brand new combination Editorial/Parody: "A.D.=Anno Domini: The Cure
for the Common Era" in partnership with Russ Miller of Creation/Evolution/Science Ministries
out of Flagstaff, AZ... Thanks to FB & Twitter the new strip has already been exposed to a half-million viewers! This July THE JOURNEY
CHRISTIAN NEWS kicks off our print campaign. |
*** "YOU CAN'T KEEP A GOOD TOON DOWN!" -- Stan Lee *** |
In July of 2006, just a few months after the end of a very successful 4 year run w/ The Santa Monica Daily Press, I am happy to announce several
of my features have been picked up by FOUR local papers
! |
Enjoy latest work HERE!And here's what you have to say about it so far... |
Joe thank you so much for your fabulous site! It's just a complete delight! -- Karyl Miller, prez, SCCS |
In June of 2006, just shy of the Santa Monica Daily Press's 4th Anniversary -- and subsequent to my work being published in the Los Angeles
Times, the SMDP abruptly and without comment cancelled my editorial panel strip, the FUNNY PAPERZ.All of my phone calls and emails to the Publisher & Editor to determine what
exactly was going on went un-returned. I can only assume (and you know what THAT means...) that I was too good at doing my job, and made all the right people, agencies and administrations
uncomfortable. I am however very gratified to receive these comments from loyal readers... |
Dear Carolyn, I thank you for your response to the e-mail that I sent to you with regards to this issue, however,
I would like to strongly advise your organization to publish a written retraction and apology to the African American community of Santa Monica and surrounding areas, and for this to be published in your
next issue for the derogatory picture of
Rosa Parks, dated October 28, 2005, page 4, that was allowed by your paper to, in your words, "slip through your
stop gaps" via the cartoon artist who presented it to your paper, for the following reasons: 1. Rosa Parks is an historical African Amercian figure who lived and died for a
cause that still plagues African Americans today and that is, racial sterotyping, inequality, and economical and social injustices, as evident with this particular issue. 2. In my
opinion, the message this picture sends to our African American community is one that states, "go ahead and take your last bus ride, but remember that, as a people you are still inslaved by your
identity and this will be the case until the day you die, and that nothing! not even the death of a historical figure like, Ms. Parks, will change that view or opinion of those who are non-African
American." 3. Many of our children and youth read the Santa Monica Daily Press, at home and in their classrooms as a current event assignment, and so the SM Daily Press should make sure
that the image they project as a community newspaper, is one that respects the cultural diversity of the people who live and work in this community. 4. We all should be striving to send
messages to our children and youth about their identitiy, heritage and culture that fosters a positive image and mindset that will help them understand that they are of value, have a place in this world and
a right to dignity and respect. This picture does not depict that!
Need I say more! I will contacting the NAACP Santa Monica/Venice Branch, President Darrell Goode about this matter, as well
as, local officials and churches with regards to this matter, because in my opinion a, "back-door apology to me is not good enough! Sincerely, Marcia Fierro
Resident of Santa Monica |
* Dear Marcia, thanks for forwarding me a copy of your complaint. As I mentioned to both you and my editor -- NO ONE
may put words in either my mouth or those of my cartoons.Unfortunately both my recent cartoon and that
done in 2003 were TRIBUTES
to Rosa and her legacy. To have their meaning twisted into hate speech cannot pass without my strongest objections. |
Re: Look Who Fell Off the Welcome Wagon, or, In The Realm of the Witless
Cartoons like this say more about the people penning and publishing them than they do about the purported subjects. There's a part of me that
would like to see the U.S. economy collapse entirely, so the "good people" get swept into the gutter along with those whom they so enjoy despising.
Assignment for next class: Read Flannery O'Connor's short story, "Revelation."
Jonathan Aurthur Santa Monica |
Dear Mr. Furukawa,
First, let me compliment you on a wonderful newspaper, which I read daily. The local, national, and
world news coverage is very educational and useful. I also appreciate the crossword puzzle and classified section.
However, I would like to let you know that, although I find all the other comic
strips in your paper to be a delight, I find the comic strip "Funny Paperz" to be consistently irrelevant and irritating. This poor artist is almost always out of touch with what is amusing or
insightful about a given issue. He very often misses the point about a given situation, and only manages to be obnoxious. This strip is so consistently annoying that I usually ignore it each day as I peruse
your otherwise-enjoyable and educational publication. However, I unfortunately read yesterday's (July 22) comic regarding Kobe Bryant, and this time I found it downright offensive and in terribly poor taste: what is the point of an depicting this athlete's genetalia as saying,
"I'm innocent?" He is a master at stating the obvious in a vulgar manner, and does not further our understanding of a given issue or story in the slightest.
To add insult to injury, I notice a frequent ad in your newspaper for Funny Paperz Bestest Editorial Cartoons of the Year 2003. I cannot imagine anyone actually buying this book!
I strongly
recommend that the editorial staff give serious consideration to withdrawing "Funny Paperz" from future editions of your paper, as it seriously compromises the overall credibility of the
Thanks for listening. Also, I would appreciate if you would NOT publish this letter.
Marilyn Judson Santa Monica |
Joe. I dnt think the cartoon' in todays paper 6.6.2OO3. About Martha Stewart is funny at all. Its bad taste . Its people like you and the rest of the press that like to hang other people before they have the time to state ther case If
you want to do a cartoon' you can start with the fat cats at city hall. We all know what a joke they are ? Ron Martin. |